2024 Media Day Interviews

I started to do something else with these audio clips and then I realized that I was once again complicating something that didn't need to be complicated. I used to publish articles like this after most every training camp practice and every game – a few short interviews embedded as audio clips – so maybe I should just do that again.
Yesterday was Illini Media Day. In the past, I've spent too much time scrambling around to talk to as many players as possible during the allotted 30 minute window for each group (they're divided into four groups of 30 and each group is available for 30 minutes). It just occurred to me now that since it's 30 players for 30 minutes, I should attempt a "30 for 30" one year where I talk to each player for one minute.
See what I mean about "complicating something that doesn't need to be complicated"?
I've embedded the audio from four different interviews below. I'm a complete moron in these interviews, and I feel much more comfortable posting audio where I'm a complete moron when it's behind the paywall and not out there in the podcast feed. This way, only subscribers can hear it, and my subscribers already know I'm a complete moron.
I have two other interviews – one with offensive lineman Magnus Møller, one with wide receiver Alex Capka-Jones – that I'm going to put out as a podcast episode. Those two interviews combine to run 28 minutes, so that's too long for an article like this. For this one I'll be publishing four short interviews. All behind the paywall to save myself some embarrassment. And I'll put that paywall up right... now.