Boston And Orlando

Boston And Orlando

My mind is still right there. I'm in Boston looking up at a scoreboard that says "Sweet Sixteen" and I'm in Orlando looking at the "I". You don't have to worry - this won't be a football post. It's a fandom post.

I've been doing this as my job for five years now. Five years ago today my wife and I were boxing up our condo in St. Louis to prepare for the move to Champaign and I was on the phone with a local grocery store known for putting their old boxes out back as they told me their policy might change because they weren't sure if Covid could be transferred via the boxes. (That's not a shot at them - nobody knew anything yet.)

Five years later I have two fandom moments that stick out far above the rest. Far, far above the rest. Five full years of attending 98% of all football games home and away and 85% of basketball games home and away (Tyler covered the rest) and there are two moments at the very, very top:

Boston last March
Orlando on New Years Eve