Didn't We Almost Have It All

Didn't We Almost Have It All

I probably have 75 pictures just like that one on my phone. Maybe 100 such pictures of Memorial Stadium after a game. One of my favorite things on earth is the warm glow of a stadium or arena after all the fans have gone home, so I take a lot of pictures with my phone.

Just after I packed up my laptop bag, I walked out to center court and snapped that photo. Every part of it speaks to me. The vibrant orange and blue after the renovation. The one anchoring part of the State Farm Center design that still feels like the old Assembly Hall: the tunnel behind the north basket. Specific places on the floor where I can picture famous Illini shots. If you squint, you can see Dee Brown sitting on the floor just to the right of the lane there, smiling with an orange mouthpiece.

I navigate the world like that. My memories are tied to emotions and images. I picture myself in a particular moment, not just the moment itself. Which is probably why I love being on the court where all of those moments happened.

Tonight was an opportunity for another moment. If Justin Harmon had made that three when we were down 67-66 with 2 minutes and change remaining, and had that pushed us forward to a win, I would have remembered so much about tonight. It was truly a celebration of Illinois basketball. Let me make you a quick list.