Looks Like University Of Illinois - Brandon Hansen

It sounds so silly to even type that. Brandon Hansen committed to Illinois FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO DAYS AGO. And now I'm writing his LLUOI. Well, I said I'm going to start up this series again, and you have to start somewhere, so here we go.
This one will be a bit experimental. I have different ways to upload images with this new platform. One of them is to upload a video, without sound, and loop it. Instead of making gifs of all the captured videos, maybe I can just upload them like that? Perhaps it even makes the post more manageable without having to immediately load all of the gifs? Or maybe the looped video with no sound uses the same amount of resources? Let's find out together.
I always tried to keep the gifs at six seconds or less (just to make the image size manageable). But maybe with this video thing I can make them a little longer? Like this clip here. The Hudl film doesn't circle him on this play, so I recorded this one with my curser showing so I can point out what you're supposed to watch. Here's Brandon Hansen depositing some poor defender into the Gatorade jugs: