Looks Like University Of Illinois - Eddie Tuerk

Only 24 more of these and I'll be caught up! (I'll never be caught up. But I'll keep plugging away.)
I spent yesterday and today building up more 90 Illini articles. I now have ten of them queued up with the intros written. Now I just need to plow through them and write the "background" and "2024 outlook" sections. I can get ten of them done in a day so... make sure you look down below tomorrow because there will be 5-10 new 90 Illini articles down there. And let me tell you, I caught a creativity streak. These ten intros are 🔥.
This isn't a 90 Illini post, though. This is a LLUOI for a player who has already been 90i'd. This.... is Eddie Tuerk.
My main thought when researching Eddie Tuerk: my goodness is the recruiting process a long and exhausting ordeal. Some can be cynical with it and say "oh no, not trips to all these amazing campuses while you're wined and dined by the coaching staff", but... well, let me explain.