One Question Mailbag - Baseball At-Large Bids

I will now answer a question that I didn't know the answer to three hours ago. But my wife and I watched a three-part documentary on Netflix tonight and I spent the entire time listening to (not watching) the documentary while I researched this on my laptop. Seven tabs and one subscription payment later, I think I have an answer.
Here's the question someone asked under one of my tweets earlier today:
I dont follow college baseball closely so its surprising to find out that winning the Big Ten regular season title doesn’t more or less guarantee an at large bid
— J $ (@highkey_john) May 18, 2024
Great point. Not really a question I guess, but great point. I knew from Ben's article a few weeks ago that our non-conference performance put us seriously behind the 8-ball when it came to an at-large bid, but shouldn't winning the Big Ten by two games make up the ground? Here's my research: