Preseason SP+ And Close Games

Preseason SP+ And Close Games
Holly Birch-Smith - IlliniBoard

I've been intentionally avoiding all football talk. As the guy who spent most Octobers the last 15 years screaming "where is everyone going? There are still six more football games! You can pay attention to basketball after Thanksgiving!", I can't in good conscience then scream "how 'bout that football team?" when basketball is going poorly. Just like those football seasons, these basketball players deserve their coverage. Then, once basketball season comes to an end, I'll be all-in on spring football.

But with only two basketball games in 15 days here (between February 26th and March 12th, two games), maybe it's now time to glance over at football a little bit. I mean, my brain is always there (and has been for decades). But maybe it's time to write about football. Specifically, Bill Connelly releasing his Returning Production numbers and his initial preseason SP+ this week.