The 90 Illini #65: Luke Zardzin

I probably need to do another "where do the posts show up on the front page?" reminder. The 90 Illini is a slog, and if I'm cranking out a big batch of them, it will push the most recent posts off the front page. The best way for me to move things around is to change the publish time/date on the post.
So I'll publish one and then I might go change the time/date so that it appears as if it was written before the latest LLUOI article (and slides further down the page). Otherwise, I would write a new article, then publish a batch of six 90 Illini posts, and the only way you'd know there was a new article was if you expanded the archive to see that the seventh post was something I had written that morning.
That also means that the newest 90 Illini article won't ever show up at the top of the page. So you "quick glance to see if there's anything new" people might not know there's something new. I published five new 90 Illini articles yesterday and some of you only glanced at the site to see that the Eddie Tuerk LLUOI was still the "latest" post.
Which is why I always point people to the 90 Illini section below. They'll always be in order down there. If you click on the "Show More" below that, you'll get an entire page of every 90 Illini article. Or you can just click on the orange tag at the top of this post (and all of the 90 Illini posts) to get the full list.
This has been How The New Website Works with Robert. We now return you to your regularly scheduled 90i.