The 90 Illini #71: Zach Aamland

When I cover games at Rutgers I visit this one restaurant in New Brunswick every time. The hotel I stayed at this last time (for the basketball game in December) was in East Brunswick. Zach Aamland is from South Brunswick. So let's learn all of the Brunswicks together.
Through the use of this thing on the internet called "maps", I have found that there's an East Brunswick, a South Brunswick, a North Brunswick, and a NEW Brunswick, but there's no West Brunswick. As least not according to this:

But then I google "West Brunswick, New Jersey" it lands me on a website (not a secure site, so I'm not going to link it) which tells me that there IS a West Brunswick, it's just "the least well-known of the Brunswick's":

But no map searches show me that it exists. So I click on the link at the bottom of that page that says "click here to learn more" and it tells me...

TOP companies. The best companies.
So then I'm all "I've never heard of Fort McMyerson" so I search for it and Google thinks I'm looking for Fort McPherson.

Which is when I come to the full realization that...
Fort McMyerson = The Battle Of Schrute Farms