Ticket Punched

This was originally half of a different article. But that thing spun out of control so I had to hold this one in front of my knee and snap it in two. The second half was a rant about the new NCAA rankings, but I'll save that for later. It will be its own post. I want you to be able to completely avoid it because HOO BOY it's unwieldy. Just picture... a guy at the local city council meeting taking up his entire allotted five minutes to show his own charts and graphs about trash pickup in the city. That, but for college golf rankings and seedings.
And I shouldn't combine that with this: praise for Mike Small's coaching job in 2024. This might have been his best coaching job so far. Actually, that's how I started this section in that post. So pretend I didn't say that and I'll just cut and paste it all right here:
I don't know how NCAA's will turn out, but this season will go down as one of Mike Small's best coaching jobs. A quick recap: