I was a hyperactive kid. My brain really never turned off. And when I was around other people, I cranked it up a notch. I was often trying to impress the entire world. Can you believe it? Yes, you can believe it.
Because of this, my mom developed a signal. If I was over-the-top in my efforts to impress, say, the person checking us out at the grocery store, my mom would say "Bobby, TTH."
TTH stood for Trying Too Hard. It was a code word to let me know that once again, I was trying too hard to impress someone. With a song. With a joke. With a fun fact. I was that kid putting way too much effort into social interactions and so my mom had to develop a signal to reel me back in.
(She still calls me Bobby, by the way. Robert when I get in trouble.)
(I still get in trouble, by the way.)
I thought about TTH while on the train leaving Madison Square Garden on Saturday night. I read some tweet about the stat line Humrichous put up in that game and my very first thought was that he was trying too hard. Kylan Boswell, too. Here we are, mired in this funk, and it felt like everyone (Jakucionis, Ivisic) were trying too hard to snap us out of it.