We Love No Other 7.16 - Will Leitch

A quick note about the audio in this one. We both recorded our audio on each end of the call, but when he sent me his audio file, I couldn't get it to load. Thankfully, I recorded a backup of his audio, so we have it. The audio is a bit distant (I believe it's audio that wasn't coming through his mic, just his phone) but at least the interview wasn't lost. To make it match, I had to crank my volume way down on the output file so... you'll likely need to turn your volume up once you get past the intro.
This episode is available on Apple Podcasts here and on Spotify here. If you use a different podcast platform, just do a search for We Love No Other (or click on the "Subscribe" button in the player below to see the link to all platforms).
If you want to skip all of that and just listen to the podcast right now, here you go:
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