We Love No Other 7.17 - From The Highway On My Way To Omaha

Distance from my house to my hotel in Pittsburgh two years ago: 483 miles. Distance from my house to my hotel in Omaha (driven last night): 490 miles. Who knew that the time it would take to cross Illinois, Iowa, and a few miles into Nebraska would be longer than the time it takes to cross Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, a tiny sliver of West Virginia, and then 50 more miles into Pennsylvania?
Of course, that's house location and hotel location. I wonder what the difference is when you compare arena location to arena location? You probably don't care, but I do. Let me look it up.
State Farm Center to PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh - 481 miles
State Farm Center to CHI Health Center in Omaha - 489 miles
Who knew, right? Well, I didn't know. Am I the only one surprised by this? Maybe I'm the only one surprised by this. I got in at 2:01 am last night and just now woke up, so maybe my exhaustion is playing into my confusion. Or maybe you don't care and just want to click on the podcast link.
As I drove I answered more than 40 of your questions. It's a super long pod that runs two hours and 40 minutes. But I had nothing else to do. Did you know that's it's 490 miles to Omaha?
And I promise to write again soon. Starting as soon as I publish this. I know this is now back-to-back podcasts (including the BoardRoom podcast from Sunday night), but this is also back-to-back long drives. Sunday night, Minneapolis to Champaign. Tuesday, Champaign to Omaha. I really wish I could have taken the train (the California Zephyr runs through here) but I might have to go from here to St. Louis on my way back so I had to drive.
None of that matters. Here's the long pod. If you want to listen on Apple Podcasts that's here, if you want to listen on Spotify that's here, and if you want to listen online right now, that's here:
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