Won By One

Won By One
Holly Birch-Smith - IlliniBoard

I have no idea what to write. I don't have my bearings right now. There are texts from 44 different people on my phone (not 44 texts – there's hundreds of texts from individuals and group texts – but 44 uncleared blue dots). After the game I found myself as the DJ for a dance party around Engine 77. I just ate my first food since some potato salad 11 hours ago. I drove a fire truck home from the game and honked at everyone outside of Custard Cup which made the car in front of me think I was a real fire truck so they pulled over and stopped. What even is my life right now?

And what even was this game? What and I supposed to do with that? I spent at least three of the 22 minutes during the From The Stands saying "Purdue scored 40 points in the final 23 minutes of the second half" over and over and over. We won a game where a team recovered an onside kick and then scored (no one comes back from that). We're playing the worst Big Ten opponent we will face in the next three years, we give up 49 points (Purdue had 3 at halftime), and we won by one.

Win by one. Where have I heard that this week?

We won by one. I was pulling out my hair during From The Stands and saying things like "this is the most aggravated I've ever been after a win" yet here's this tweet where I swore I would stay at "just win by 1." What am I supposed to do with that?